


Li, Dongyue, Ruth Engel, Porse, Erik C., Jonathan Kaplan, Steve Margulis, Dennis Lettenmaier. “Stay-at-home orders during the COVID-19 pandemic reduced urban water use”. Environmental Science and Technology Letters2021, 8, 5, 431–436



Porse, Erik C., Kathryn B. Mika, Alvar Escriva-Bou, Eric Fournier, Kelly T. Sanders, Edward Spang, Jennifer Stokes-Draut, Felicia Federico, Mark Gold, and Stephanie Pincetl. “Energy Use for Urban Water Management by Utilities and Households in Los Angeles”. Environmental Research Communications. 2020: 2.1

Porse, Erik C., Eric Fournier, Dan Cheng, Hannah E. Gustafson, Felicia Federico, and Stephanie Pincetl. “Net Solar Generation Potential from Urban Rooftops in Los Angeles.” Energy Policy. 142. July 2020



Porse, Erik and Stephanie Pincetl. (2019). “Effects of Stormwater Capture and Use on Urban Streamflows.” Water Resources Management. 33.2: 713-723.

Porse, Erik. (2019). “Merging Network Governance and Systems Analysis for Urban Water Management.” Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems. 2019:1-19.

Fournier, Eric, Felicia Federico, Erik Porse, and Stephanie Pincetl. (2019) “Effects of building size growth on residential energy efficiency and conservation in California.” Applied Energy. Volume 240. 446-452.

Pincetl, Stephanie, Thomas W. Gillespie, Diane E. Pataki, Erik Porse, Shenyue Jia, Erika Kidera, Nick Nobles, Janet Rodriguez, and Dong-ah Choi. (2019) “Evaluating the effects of turf-replacement programs in Los Angeles.” Landscape and Urban Planning. 185: 210-221.

Shuang, Qing, Hui Jie Liu, and Erik Porse. “Review of the Quantitative Resilience Methods in Water Distribution Networks.” Water 11.6 (2019): 1189.



Pincetl, Stephanie, Erik Porse, Kathryn B. Mika, Elizabeth Litvak, Kim Manago, Kartiki Naik, Terri Hogue, Mark Gold, Tom Gillespie, and Diane Pataki. (2018). “Adapting Urban Water Systems to Manage Scarcity in the 21st Century: The Case of Los Angeles.” Environmental Management. 63.3. pgs 293-308

Porse, Erik, Kathryn B. Mika, Rhianna Williams, Mark Gold, William Blomquist, & Stephanie Pincetl (2018). “Groundwater Exchange Pools and Urban Water Supply Sustainability: Modeling Directed and Undirected Networks.” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 144(8), 04018040.

Porse, Erik, Kathryn B. Mika, Elizaveta Litvak, Kimberly F. Manago, Terri S. Hogue, Mark Gold, Diane E. Pataki, and Stephanie Pincetl. (2018). “The Economic Value of Local Water Supplies in Los Angeles.” Nature Sustainability, May. doi:10.1038/s41893-018-0068-2.

Porse, Erik C.. (2018). “Open Data and Stormwater Infrastructure in Los Angeles: Implications for Green Infrastructure and Sustainability”. Local Environments. 1-13.



Porse, Erik, Kathryn B. Mika, Elizaveta Litvak, Kimberly F. Manago, Kartiki Naik, Madelyn Glickfeld, Terri S. Hogue, Mark Gold, Diane E. Pataki, and Stephanie Pincetl. (2017). “Systems Analysis and Optimization of Local Water Supplies in Los Angeles.” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 143, no. 9. 2017: 04017049.

Derenski, Joshua, Erik Porse, Hannah Gustafson, Dan Cheng, and Stephanie Pincetl. (2017) “Spatial and temporal analysis of energy use data in Los Angeles public schools.” Energy Efficiency 2017: 1-13.



Porse, Erik C., Joshua Derenski, Hannah Gustafson, Zoe Elizabeth, and Stephanie Pincetl (2016). “Structural, Geographic, and Social Factors in Building Energy Use: Analysis of Aggregated, Account-Level Consumption Data in a Megacity”. Energy Policy. Vol. 96. September 2016. Pg. 179-192.

Pincetl, Stephanie, Erik C. Porse, and Deborah Cheng. (2016) “Fragmented Flows: Water Supply in Los Angeles County”. Environmental Management. 58(2). Pg. 208-222.



Porse, Erik C., Madelyn Glickfeld, Keith Mertan, and Stephanie Pincetl. (2015) “Pumping for the Masses: Evolution of Groundwater Management in Metropolitan Los Angeles.” Geojournal. DOI: 10.1007/s10708-015-9664-0.

Farzan, Shahla, Derek Young, Allison Dedrick, Gabriel Sampson, Matt Hamilton, Erik Porse, and Peter Coates. (2015) “Western Juniper Management: Assessing policies for improving sage-grouse habitat and rangeland productivity.” Environmental Management. 56: 675-683.

Porse, Erik C., and Jay Lund. (2015) “Network Analysis and Visualizations in California Water: Linking connectivity and resilience.” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 04015401.

Porse, Erik C., and Jay Lund (2015). Network Structure, Complexity and Adaptation in Water Resource Systems. Invited submission to Civil Engineering and Environment Systems special issue on Resilience. 32(1-2).

Porse, Erik C., Samuel Sandoval Solis, Belize Lane. (2015). Optimization of Flood Management and Environmental Flows in a Trans-boundary, Water-Scarce River Basin: Rio Grande/BravoWater Resources Management. February 2015



Porse, Erik C. (2014). Risk-Based Zoning in Urbanizing Floodplains. Water Science and Technology. Volume 70, Issue 11. (Special Issue on Urban Water Management). Pg. 1755-1763.

Lane, Belize.A., Samuel Sandoval-Solis, and Erik Porse  (2014). “Environmental Flows in a Human-Dominated System: Evaluating Integrated Water Management Strategies in the Big Bend Reach of the Rio Grande/Bravo Basin.” River Research and Applications . (In Press).


2013 and previous

Porse, Erik C. (2013). Stormwater Governance in Future Cities. Water. Volume 5, Issue 1. March 2013. Pg. 29-52.

Porse, Erik C. (2007). Measurement of Music Production and Innovation Networks: Case Studies from Seattle, Austin, and Nashville. Journal of the Music and Entertainment Industry Association (MEIEA). Volume 7, No. 1.

Simpson, Harry J., Carl K. Frederickson, Brian H. Houston, Erik C. Porse.  At-Sea Measurements of Sound Propagation in a Littoral Environment Using a Vertical Synthetic Array. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. Volume 121, Issue 1, pp. 85-97 (January 2007).

Porse, Erik C. MLB and Lobbying: A Perennial Favorite. Published in Outside the Lines, Journal of the Society for American Baseball Research. Volume XII Issue 3. Fall 2006.

Soukup, Raymond J. Jon M. Collis, William L. Siegmann, Michael D. Collins, Harry J. Simpson, and Erik C. Porse. Tank experiments and model comparisons of shallow water acoustics over an elastic bottom. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. April 2005; Volume 117; Issue 4; p. 2576.

Simpson, Harry J., Carl K. Frederickson, Brian H. Houston, Erik C. Porse, Larry A. Kraus, Alain R. Berdoz, Philip A. Frank, and Steve W. Liskey Very-low-frequency Scattering Experiments from Proud Targets in a Littoral Environment Using a 55-m Rail. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. October 2003. Volume 114, Issue 4, p. 2313.

Porse, Erik C. (2002). MTBE: Examining the Oxygenate Requirement and Remediation Costs: A Study in Science and Technology Policy Implementation. SAE International. 2002-01-1268.


Book Chapters

Erik Porse and Stephanie Pincetl. (2017) “The Co-Evolution of Infrastructure, Governance, and Urban Ecology.” In Pragmatic Sustainability: Theoretical and Practical Tools (2nd Ed). Editor: Steven Moore. Routledge.

Lund, Jay, Rui Hui, Alvar Escriva, Erik Porse, Lauren Adams, James Connaughton, Laila Kasuri, Ben Lord, Lucas Siegfried, Reed Thayer, Samuel Sandoval-Solis, Sooyeon Yi. (2017). “Reservoir Operation Design.” Handbook of Hydrology: Revised Edition. Chapter 124.


Technical Reports


Office of Water Programs at Sacramento State. (2019). “Benefits and Costs in Stormwater Management: Methods and Challenges.” Report prepared as technical guidance by the US EPA’s Region 9 Environmental Finance Center.

Office of Water Programs at Sacramento State. (2019). “Guidance for Low-Impact Development in Schools.” Report prepared for the California State Water Resources Control Board.

Office of Water Programs at Sacramento State. (2019). “Barriers to Stormwater Capture and Use.” Report prepared for the California State Water Resources Control Board.

Office of Water Programs at Sacramento State. (2019). “An Open-Source Asset Management Toolkit for Stormwater Financing.”



Mika Kathryn, Elizabeth Gallo, Erik Porse, Terri Hogue, Stephanie Pincetl, Mark Gold. (2018) LA Sustainable Water Project: Los Angeles City-Wide Overview. UCLA Sustainable LA Grand Challenge, UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, Colorado School of Mines, Los Angeles, CA



Pincetl, Stephanie Thomas Gillespie, Diane Pataki, Erik Porse, Shenyue Jia, Erika Kidera, Nick Nobles, Janet Rodriguez, and Dong-ha Choi. (2017). “Evaluating the effects of turf replacement programs in Los Angeles.” Report to the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California.

Porse, Erik, Eric Fournier, Dan Cheng, Hannah Gustafson, Claire Hirashiki, Felicia Federico, and Stephanie Pincetl. (2017). Prioritizing the Local of Distributed Solar Electricity Generation in Los Angeles County. Report to the California Energy Commission

Porse, Erik C., Kathryn B. Mika, Elizabeth Litvak, Kim Manago, Kartiki Naik, Madelyn Glickfeld, Terri Hogue, Mark Gold, Diane Pataki, and Stephanie Pincetl. (2017). “Artes: A Model of Water Resources Management in Los Angeles.” UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability. (



Pincetl, Stephanie, Erik Porse, Hannah Gustaffson, and Joshua Derenski (2016). Implementing Energy Efficiency Programs in California: A Data-Driven Approach. UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability.



Stephanie Pincetl, Madelyn Glickfeld, Deborah Cheng, Miriam Cope, Kartiki Naik, Erik Porse, Kristen Holdworth, and Celine Kuklowski (2015). Water Management in Los Angeles County; a Research Report. Presented to the John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation. UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability.



Elizabeth Weitzel, Alea German, and Erik Porse. (2014). Performance of a Hot-Dry Climate Whole-House Retrofit. Davis Energy Group.



Porse, Erik C. (2013). Managing Arroyos in Los Cabos: Analysis of integrated strategies for sustainable water management and development in Baja California, Sur. Sustainable Cities International.

Porse, Erik. (2013). “Assessing Infrastructure Decisions to Manage Water Resources in the Valle de México.” In Conference Proceedings of the World Wide Workshop for Young Environmental Scientists (WWW-YES).  Arcueil, Paris, France: École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées.

Mark Berman, Jeremy Springer, Pepper Smith, and Erik Porse. (2013). Expert Meeting Report: Energy Savings You Can Bank On. Alliance for Residential Building Innovation. February 2013.


2012 and previous

Berman, M.; Smith, P.; Porse, E. (2012). Strategy Guideline: Mitigation of Retrofit Risk Factors. National Renewable Energy Laboratory. 29 pp.; NREL Report No. SR-5500-56669; DOE/GO-102012-3811.

California Zero Net Energy Buildings Cost Study. Report written by Davis Energy Group under contract to Pacific Gas and Electric. December 19, 2012. (contributing author).

Porse, Erik C. (2002). United States Energy Sustainability: Renewable Energy in an Unsubsidized, Deregulated Market. University of Hartford Libraries. Research Scholar Program.


Selected Presentations

Porse, Erik C., Managed Aquifer Recharge in the Big Picture of Los Angeles Water Supply (2018). 16th Biennial Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge (BSMAR 16). San Diego, CA.

Porse, Erik C., Managing Recharge at Multiple Scales in a Watershed (2018). American River Basin Stormwater Management Conference. Sacramento, CA.

Porse, Erik C., The Dollars and Sense of Local Water Supplies in Los Angeles (2017). UCLA Sustainable LA Grand Challenges Water Research Symposium. Los Angeles, CA.

Porse, Erik C., Dynamic Centrality in an Urban Resource Network (2017). International Society for Industrial Ecology. Chicago, IL.

Porse, Erik C., Energy Efficiency in Los Angeles Schools (2017). International Society for Industrial Ecology. Chicago, IL.

Porse, Erik C., Systems Analysis for Local Water Reliance in Los Angeles: The Artes Project (2017). ASCE Environment and Water Resources International Congress. Sacramento, CA.

Porse, Erik C., and Stephanie Pincetl. (2016). Can Smart Cities Exacerbate Inequality? Invited presentation: Smart + Sustainable Cities. American Association of Geographers 2016 Annual Meeting.

Porse, Erik C. (2016). Local Water Use in Los Angeles. Presentation. 2016 NSF Water, Sustainability, and Climate PIs Workshop. Washington, D.C.

Porse, Erik C. (April 22, 2015). Managing Water Scarcity in Future Cities: What Makes Sense to Sense? Center for Information Technology in the Interest of Society (CITRIS). Special seminar series on Resilience. University of California, Berkeley.

Porse, Erik C. (June 1-5, 2014). Network Visualization and Analysis for Water Distribution Systems: Examples from California. 2014 Environmental and Water Resources International (EWRI) Congress. Portland, OR

Sandoval Solis, Samuel; Porse, Erik C. (2013 May). Optimizing Human, Environmental and International Water Management for the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo Basin: The Big Bend National Park. Presentation at World Environmental and Water Resources Congress (EWRI) 2013. Cincinnati, OH

Porse, Erik C. (2013 June). Integrated Decision Modeling for Groundwater Management in the Valle de México. Worldwide Workshop for Young Environmental Scientists. Paris, France.

Porse, Erik C. (2012 October). Environmental Informatics. Short Presentation at TEDx Sacramento, Cities 2.0 event. Sacramento, CA.

Porse, Erik C. (September 2012). An Overview of Urban Water Systems. McGeorge Law School. Sacramento, CA.